Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Daily Life and Economy

Daily Life and Economy

Questions: First, define what your utopia is about!  What does utopia mean to you? How do your residents spend their days?  What about jobs and school?  Do you use money?  Do you get paid different amounts for different jobs? (Perhaps based on danger of your job??)  What happens if you do not go to work? Or school?  How can this be set-up to be WORRY-FREE?  How does age relate to daily living?  Do you ever retire to enjoy life?  What do you consider free-time?  What are you doing during this time?  Is there television?  Is it local only or can you view the rest of the world?  How are meals prepared?  Individually?  In groups?  Is food grown or bought from grocery store?  Are all of your residents treated equally in all areas of their daily lives?  What happens if someone gets sick?  Do they pay the doctor?  Again, think about all of the literature that we have studied about utopia- remember how their daily lives operated.  Do you see some of the same plans for yours?
Answers: Fox Island is a calm and fun place to live. There is little stress. It mostly is a place for people to live amongst one another, also to live with the creatures there, in peace. There are laws, yes, but few of them, and they are not too over the top. In Fox Island, we strive to keep the world a clean, and loving place.When I think of Utopia, I think of a place where everyone gets along, there is little violence, and everything is nice and peaceful. I, myself, woudl love to live in a world of books and music-For I find those two things to be enjoyable.
Residents spend there day like any normal person would:Any way they want, really. Reading, watching television, playing games, etc., are all past times here.
School is five days a week, for five hours a day. Students enter school at 8AM and leave at 1PM.{Not including hours spent at practices, clubs, detentions, etc.} While students are at school, parents are most likely at work. Jobs are plentiful here, however there are few who chose not to work. Either way, there will always be time and ways to get money and have fun.
Age: From ages 3+ you are in school. You go through school until college, if you plan on going, that is. Retirement is open to everyone at age 47. If you wish, you can retire and get paid enough to survive the next 6 months after you leave. 
Everyone is a vegetarian. Meat is not in any meals, and is not sold here. Animals are treated as equals, and are not to be slaughtered. Hunting is illegal, and will get you put in prison, as will littering.
While in this Utopia, everyone will be treated almost 100% equally. The only people "higher" than normal citizens would be the government and Regal{leader.}
In short, Fox Island is a peaceful and calm place. It has little laws, and many freedoms. Stress is something that is rare here. Wild life thrives here. The buildings, as well as some people, look as though they belong in the Victorian Age.
In Fox Island, peace has been achieved.

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