Wednesday, February 13, 2013


Questions: Your fifth post should describe your government. Who rules? Are there branches of government? How is the leader chosen? or is he/she chosen? Review the Bill of Rights. Create your own set of laws for your utopia. Provide a plan for consequences for anyone breaking the laws. Do you have a court system? How is it decided if you are guilty of breaking a law? Do you have police? How is order maintained? Do you have prisons? Do you have government "helps" for medical or disability issues?

The person who rules is called the Regal. The government is a mix of a monarch and a democracy. The Regal can be male or female. They are chosen through voting by the citizens. Regals may lead till the day they die, or retire. You must be 25 to run for Regal. Once the Regal dies, or steps down, the citizens vote on a new one.

There are few laws. Mostly, you must keep the lands clean and treat one another with respect. \
The most important law is The one on pollution. If someone litters, they are thrown in prison.
Murder is punished by not life in prison, but by sending someone off. They are thrown on a ship, and sent out into the seas, never to return. If they return, they are thrown in prison. .If they escape to some other place, then they, obviously, keep their life.
Violence is punished by months and months in prison. It depends on what the act of violence was.

The courst system is called the  High Council. {Based off High Concil of the Time Lords from Doctor Who. Hush. } They give judgement after the acused person has been held for two weeks. If there is no proof, you are free to go--if you do the same thing again, however, you will be thrown in prison--proof or no proof.

There are no police, but there are guards. They basically do the same as police, but do not carry weapons or have the right to shoot, kill, or anything of the sort. They simply have the right to get proof and investigate the suspect.

If someone is disabled or having health problems, the government will help as much as they can. They will give money to the family of the sick or wounded person, until they are healed.