Wednesday, February 6, 2013


Wednesday, February 6, 2013



Questions: Does your society encourage or discourage individuality? Remember your issues with school uniforms- how do your members dress? What about "style"? Are there other expressions of "me"? Think about choices- what choices does the society decide for you? What choices are left to the individual? Remember to consider what you have learned in history concerning freedom in choice that led to extreme changes in our society. Consider the implications of choice within your utopia that might affect other members in a negative manner. Are you aligning your community to The Community in The Giver? Would you really LIKE to live in this way? Can you feel free to be yourself? Do you really want to be yourself? Think deeply.


Individuality is an important part of this Utopia. Everyone is unique. We highly encourage people to be different. The citizens here dress however they wish. There is no certain style. Everyone has their own style. You make almost all choices, other than those that deal with government. You go to school for whatever you want to become. Jobs are not picked for you, but you pick them. I would hate to live like how the Community is. There is no colour, no fun, no joy.  Individuality does not even exist in that world, it seems. I couldn't stand that. Everyone should act and be who they are, and not have to be forced into being something they are not.

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