Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Architecture & Growth

Questions: Think about the perfect climate and geographical features. Are you an island paradise? Or are you nestled in the snow-covered mountains? Are you isolated from everyone else? If so, are you making plans to be self-sufficient? Where do you get your energy from? Would you have some form of protection from others- a wall? Include specific information about your physical layout. Include photos or designs for architectural elements on your island (government buildings, houses, transportation ports,etc.)

The climate is usually a cool, not too hot, not too cold kind of feel. There are forests all around, woodland ones, not tropical. It snows half the time, and rains most of the other. It is isolated from other islands, and plans to stay that way. The energy is all solar. Solar panels cover a great deal of the land. Wind mills also cover some of the island. The great sea around the island is the only protection, and it is usually fierce.

Physical Layout:
The grounds are very grassy, large and great trees cover almost all the land--other than the cities. It looks  very Victorian Age. The government building is a large castle--yet on the inside it is all up to day, high tech.

Transportation is usually just by foot or by bicycle. Cars cause pollution, which is not welcomed. Houses are usually two story, consist of different colours, and can be shaped to whatever the owner's wishes are. Most government buildings, or other buildings of importance, look like castles.
Above is an example of the houses. Below is an example of government buildings.