Monday, February 11, 2013

"Street Art"

Street Art Utopia
Questions: LOOK at these examples of what has been coined as " Street Art Utopia."  { } Do further research today on this topic.  What is considered a part of this?  Can you find or create a definition for such?  For post #3, I want you to look at several examples online of such art and then choose one to represent your own island utopia.  Write a rationalization for why that particular piece of art is representative of "utopia" on your island.

Above is an example of "street art" you may see while in this Utopia. It is not a crime to do such to publib property, for it shows creativity:which is important here. It is one way of representing this island because of the creativity, the animals, and the colours. Colours are just as important as creativity here, and animals are citizens, just as humans are.
Street Art is nothing more than a way of showing how you are unique.


  1. Of corse you would put a wolf :), very interesting.

  2. This picture really describes your utopia. Great job!

  3. I really think that this is a good picture. That is a good thing to do in a utopia because they may feel controlled.

    ~Clara~ :)

  4. This is a very cool piece of street art :) I also like your idea how it expresses your island and citizens.

  5. I like the picture..but i cant read anything on here!
