Wednesday, February 13, 2013


Questions: Your fifth post should describe your government. Who rules? Are there branches of government? How is the leader chosen? or is he/she chosen? Review the Bill of Rights. Create your own set of laws for your utopia. Provide a plan for consequences for anyone breaking the laws. Do you have a court system? How is it decided if you are guilty of breaking a law? Do you have police? How is order maintained? Do you have prisons? Do you have government "helps" for medical or disability issues?

The person who rules is called the Regal. The government is a mix of a monarch and a democracy. The Regal can be male or female. They are chosen through voting by the citizens. Regals may lead till the day they die, or retire. You must be 25 to run for Regal. Once the Regal dies, or steps down, the citizens vote on a new one.

There are few laws. Mostly, you must keep the lands clean and treat one another with respect. \
The most important law is The one on pollution. If someone litters, they are thrown in prison.
Murder is punished by not life in prison, but by sending someone off. They are thrown on a ship, and sent out into the seas, never to return. If they return, they are thrown in prison. .If they escape to some other place, then they, obviously, keep their life.
Violence is punished by months and months in prison. It depends on what the act of violence was.

The courst system is called the  High Council. {Based off High Concil of the Time Lords from Doctor Who. Hush. } They give judgement after the acused person has been held for two weeks. If there is no proof, you are free to go--if you do the same thing again, however, you will be thrown in prison--proof or no proof.

There are no police, but there are guards. They basically do the same as police, but do not carry weapons or have the right to shoot, kill, or anything of the sort. They simply have the right to get proof and investigate the suspect.

If someone is disabled or having health problems, the government will help as much as they can. They will give money to the family of the sick or wounded person, until they are healed.


Questions: Discuss all facets of GROUPING such as family, religion, race, culture, language, and wealth. Sometimes, we choose to become members of a certain group; sometimes the group divisions seem to be made for us. Try to think of all the ways people (in our world) become divided into groups and address those issues. Think back on the "family plan" from The Giver- how will your plan compare? Think about how we see differences in real life based on just the one factor of wealth- homes, cars, other material possessions or privileges such as educational opportunities or traveling? Combine those differences with all the other factors that create grouping. This post should read more as a philosophy than a step-by-step action plan like the genetic engineering in The Giver. Your utopian philosophy should address what makes your island a COMMUNITY- "a group of people sharing a common interest and relating together socially while living together in your island space." Based on this definition, living in a common location alone does NOT create a community. As the utopian island community planner, you must address this issue by adding a philosophy for sharing a common interest and forming relationships.
This post will have 3 different parts. Please label each as you post.

A. Create and post the philosophy for your utopian COMMUNITY.
B. Research a career as a community planner. Post a 5-8 part job description and share link(s) where your information was found. (President Obama was a community planner in Chicago.)
C. Write a reflection based on the following poem written by John Donne.

No Man Is An Island
No man is an island,
Entire of itself.
Each is a piece of the continent.
A part of the main.
If a clod be washed away by the sea,
Europe is the less.
As well as if a promontory were
As well as if a manor of thine own
Or of thine friend's were.
Each man's death diminishes me,
For I am involved in mankind.
Therefore, send not to know
For whom the bell tolls,
It tolls for thee.

Family: Most families here are made up of two partners {male-female, male-male, female-female;doesn't matter} and their children. They may have as many children as they wish-- as long as they take care of them. People chose and make their own families, higher powers do not step in.
Religion: There is not just one main religion here. Most of the citizens belong to Christianity or Buddhism, however. All religions are accepted--judgement will not be made on your religion, or if you have none. There are several churches for each and every religion.
Race: There are a number of different races here. There is no such thing as racism here. Everyone gets along just fine. If two people of different races have a family, there will be no judgement on the partners, nor children.
Culture: The culture varies through out the land. It's different with different people. Most everyone, for example, is a vegetarian. Clothing of all different colours and textures are worn through out the island, and there is no certain style or uniform.
Language: There are two main languages here. English and Italian are commonly spoken. However, there are people that speak a variety of languages {French is another common language here, but not as popular as Italian or English.}
Wealth: Certain jobs give more money than others, however, money is not all that  matters. There is no upper and lower class. Money wise, even if someone owns more than others, most everyone is equal.
There isn't really any grouping done by the higher power. If there are any groups, they are small ones created by citizens, and are not made for making one group of people feel higher than the other.
{I hope this answers question A. I didn't understand part A or B, so I just went off on  many tangents. }

Community Planner-B
Community planners shape their cities, towns, villages, etc.

{Below, in italic, are things copied from:}

Accept different agendas:

People will want to be involved for a variety of reasons, for instance: academic enquiry, altruism, curiosity, fear of change, financial gain, neighbourliness, professional duty, protection of interests, socialising. This need not be a problem but it helps to be aware of people’s different agendas.
Accept limitations:
No community planning activity can solve all the world’s problems. But that is not a reason for holding back. Limited practical improvements will almost always result, and community planning activity can often act as a catalyst for more fundamental change.

Have fun:Getting involved in creating and managing the environment should not be a chore. It can be a great opportunity to meet people and have fun. The most interesting and sustainable environments have been produced where people have enjoyed creating them. Community planning requires humour. Use cartoons, jokes and games whenever possible.

The planners train younger citizens for when they retire, so if anything has to be changed in Utopia, they can take over and do so.

 Community planners basically form and shape the Utopia. They are one of the higher powers.
No Man Is An Island
No man is an island,
Entire of itself.
Each is a piece of the continent.
A part of the main.
If a clod be washed away by the sea,
Europe is the less.
As well as if a promontory were
As well as if a manor of thine own
Or of thine friend's were.
Each man's death diminishes me,
For I am involved in mankind.
Therefore, send not to know
For whom the bell tolls,
It tolls for thee.
The poem, in my opinion, means no person can stand alone. Everyone is connected.

Monday, February 11, 2013

"Street Art"

Street Art Utopia
Questions: LOOK at these examples of what has been coined as " Street Art Utopia."  { } Do further research today on this topic.  What is considered a part of this?  Can you find or create a definition for such?  For post #3, I want you to look at several examples online of such art and then choose one to represent your own island utopia.  Write a rationalization for why that particular piece of art is representative of "utopia" on your island.

Above is an example of "street art" you may see while in this Utopia. It is not a crime to do such to publib property, for it shows creativity:which is important here. It is one way of representing this island because of the creativity, the animals, and the colours. Colours are just as important as creativity here, and animals are citizens, just as humans are.
Street Art is nothing more than a way of showing how you are unique.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013


Wednesday, February 6, 2013



Questions: Does your society encourage or discourage individuality? Remember your issues with school uniforms- how do your members dress? What about "style"? Are there other expressions of "me"? Think about choices- what choices does the society decide for you? What choices are left to the individual? Remember to consider what you have learned in history concerning freedom in choice that led to extreme changes in our society. Consider the implications of choice within your utopia that might affect other members in a negative manner. Are you aligning your community to The Community in The Giver? Would you really LIKE to live in this way? Can you feel free to be yourself? Do you really want to be yourself? Think deeply.


Individuality is an important part of this Utopia. Everyone is unique. We highly encourage people to be different. The citizens here dress however they wish. There is no certain style. Everyone has their own style. You make almost all choices, other than those that deal with government. You go to school for whatever you want to become. Jobs are not picked for you, but you pick them. I would hate to live like how the Community is. There is no colour, no fun, no joy.  Individuality does not even exist in that world, it seems. I couldn't stand that. Everyone should act and be who they are, and not have to be forced into being something they are not.

Daily Life and Economy

Daily Life and Economy

Questions: First, define what your utopia is about!  What does utopia mean to you? How do your residents spend their days?  What about jobs and school?  Do you use money?  Do you get paid different amounts for different jobs? (Perhaps based on danger of your job??)  What happens if you do not go to work? Or school?  How can this be set-up to be WORRY-FREE?  How does age relate to daily living?  Do you ever retire to enjoy life?  What do you consider free-time?  What are you doing during this time?  Is there television?  Is it local only or can you view the rest of the world?  How are meals prepared?  Individually?  In groups?  Is food grown or bought from grocery store?  Are all of your residents treated equally in all areas of their daily lives?  What happens if someone gets sick?  Do they pay the doctor?  Again, think about all of the literature that we have studied about utopia- remember how their daily lives operated.  Do you see some of the same plans for yours?
Answers: Fox Island is a calm and fun place to live. There is little stress. It mostly is a place for people to live amongst one another, also to live with the creatures there, in peace. There are laws, yes, but few of them, and they are not too over the top. In Fox Island, we strive to keep the world a clean, and loving place.When I think of Utopia, I think of a place where everyone gets along, there is little violence, and everything is nice and peaceful. I, myself, woudl love to live in a world of books and music-For I find those two things to be enjoyable.
Residents spend there day like any normal person would:Any way they want, really. Reading, watching television, playing games, etc., are all past times here.
School is five days a week, for five hours a day. Students enter school at 8AM and leave at 1PM.{Not including hours spent at practices, clubs, detentions, etc.} While students are at school, parents are most likely at work. Jobs are plentiful here, however there are few who chose not to work. Either way, there will always be time and ways to get money and have fun.
Age: From ages 3+ you are in school. You go through school until college, if you plan on going, that is. Retirement is open to everyone at age 47. If you wish, you can retire and get paid enough to survive the next 6 months after you leave. 
Everyone is a vegetarian. Meat is not in any meals, and is not sold here. Animals are treated as equals, and are not to be slaughtered. Hunting is illegal, and will get you put in prison, as will littering.
While in this Utopia, everyone will be treated almost 100% equally. The only people "higher" than normal citizens would be the government and Regal{leader.}
In short, Fox Island is a peaceful and calm place. It has little laws, and many freedoms. Stress is something that is rare here. Wild life thrives here. The buildings, as well as some people, look as though they belong in the Victorian Age.
In Fox Island, peace has been achieved.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Fox Island

Name: Fox Island
Region: New Brunswick, Canada
Location: Bay of Fundy
Size: 3.00 Acres / 1.21 HA